'Aren't you just the Uniting Church Minister?' was the question.
'Well, yes and no. I'm the Rural Resourcing Minister for this Region."
'It means, I do regular Minister stuff, but my main roles are to train and equip Lay leaders to run their own churches and to look for new ways of being church in today's world.'
As I keep saying those words time after time, and watch the listener's response, sometimes I think I hear from the deep recesses of minds - 'What planet is she from?'
It is a brand new thing and I really wonder how this work will ever happen, when faith communities have no Bible studies, no prayer groups, and invisible personal spiritual disciplines.
"You need to start these things, if they are not present," I hear.
'At each of the 7 churches? One day a week each....? I think not. And distance is so vast over here - well, church stuff isn't football or netball is it?'
The Uniting Church has this vision of being a church for today.
As I listen for God's direction, I'd be interested in hearing what God might be saying to you about new ways of being church.
What would help you have faith?
Grow your faith?
Bless your spiritual life?
'Well, yes and no. I'm the Rural Resourcing Minister for this Region."
'It means, I do regular Minister stuff, but my main roles are to train and equip Lay leaders to run their own churches and to look for new ways of being church in today's world.'
As I keep saying those words time after time, and watch the listener's response, sometimes I think I hear from the deep recesses of minds - 'What planet is she from?'
It is a brand new thing and I really wonder how this work will ever happen, when faith communities have no Bible studies, no prayer groups, and invisible personal spiritual disciplines.
"You need to start these things, if they are not present," I hear.
'At each of the 7 churches? One day a week each....? I think not. And distance is so vast over here - well, church stuff isn't football or netball is it?'
The Uniting Church has this vision of being a church for today.
As I listen for God's direction, I'd be interested in hearing what God might be saying to you about new ways of being church.
What would help you have faith?
Grow your faith?
Bless your spiritual life?